Rangat in Andaman Islands
Rangat is approx 170 Km from Port Blair connected by road via NH4 and 90 Km by Sea from Port Blair. Rangat is located in middle part of Andaman group of Islands with an approximate area of 1070 Sq. Km.
The Island is spread over census villages where Fisheries and Cultivation are the primary occupations of the locals. The travel time is approx is 6 to 7 hours by road from Port Blair passes through the forest reserve on the west coast of South and middle Andaman. The agriculture farm en-route, housing a rich bank of vegetation, is of interest to botany devotee.
Basic Information
Rangat is famous among the tourist for its stunning beaches, natural walk, Mangroves and Creeks and waterfall.
December to March
Interesting Facts
- The place has a scenic freshwater stream that serve as a natural swimming pool.
- Cutbert Bay Beach and Panchavati Hills are the two important attractions of Rangat.
How to reach
You can take a bus or private cab from Port Blair to Rangat. If you want to travel from Swaraj Dweep (Havelock Island), Long Island, or Shaheed Dweep (Neil Island), then you need to take a ferry.
Nearby Attractions
Amkunj Beach
The Amkunj beach is located at the Nimbutala village at a distance of 8kms from Rangat. There are many eco-friendly sofa-like sit-outs, some eco huts for providing shade and small round tables erected by the beachside which makes it a good place to sit and unwind on a bright sunny day.
Dhani Nallah Beach
Dhani Nallah is a nature walkway and beach on the outskirts of Rangat, Middle Andaman Island, in the Andaman Islands. It is located 20 km from Rangat adjacent to Andaman trunk road.
Mangrove walkway
Samudrika Naval Marine Museum is a museum situated near the Andaman Teal House at Port Blair in India, designed to create awareness on various aspects of oceanic environment. The museum is run by the Indian Navy. This museum aims to generate awareness about the environment in the ocean and the marine life.
Restaurants Facility
- Royal Restaurant
- Bodhi Bengali Restaurant
- Sai Kripa
- Aroma Restaurant
Places to stay near Diglipur
- Hotel UK Nest
- Hotel Priya International
- Hotel Laxmi Villa
Frequently Asked Questions
Dhani Nallah Beach
Mangrove walkway
- Royal Restaurant
- Bodhi Bengali Restaurant
- Sai Kripa
- Aroma Restaurant